Tricky Tony Turns Twenty-One

Tricky Tony Turns 21

Tricky Tony waited just until it was midnight
since he just turned twenty-one, so he thought he might
buy his first beer when the bartender would give him one,
it would be the perfect set up, both evil and fun!
“The fool did not suspect a thing! This is such a thrill!
I was born in Hawaii so technically I’m still
not yet twenty-one and not yet legally allowed
to purchase alcohol!” Tricky Tony was so proud,
since Tony thought about this scheme ever since he was
ten years old, he schemed and planned, never took a pause.
When a friend told him “Look dude just use a fake ID”.
Tony sneered at him: “That is for simpletons, not me.”


Here’s the entire archive of Tricky Tony comics (click on individual posts to see the bonus panels).

And here’s another comic taking place at a bar.


If you’re over 21 and can legally purchase alcohol, you’re probably also allowed to follow my comics on Instagram and Twitter.

Tricky Tony – No Alcohol

Tricky Tony - No Alcohol in the Car

Tricky Tony was pulled over, blue lights flickering.
Cop thought he was drunk because he won’t stop snickering.
– “Is there an open alcohol container in the car?”
– “Teeheehee no officer, there is none, not by far!”
He giggled evilly and thought: “This is a nice cheat,
an open deodorant stick just lays there on my seat!
It is known it has a lot of alcohol, and hey,
too much of it and I’ll surely end up in AA.”


All Tricky Tony comics here (click on individual post to see the bonus panels).
A previous comic on alcohol and alcoholism here.


Get pulled over by my comics on Instagram and Twitter.


The Madonna

Christmas Spirit - by C-Section Comics

Bethlehem. 2000 years ago. The Madonna of the Jägermeister.

Inspired by this post on reddit


Merry Christmas y’all