If Prehistoric Man Had Modern Day Journalism

Prehistoric Newscast - by C-Section Comics

This prehistoric newscast follows the known formula of modern journalism – start with stories that inspire fear, and continue with silly gossip/lifestyle articles. Never report on any of the amazing technological breakthroughs that are made on an almost daily basis in the world, because that would require you and your viewers/readers to use their minds and imagination.

Also, notice the anchorwoman has great looking hair.

The Evolution of American Technology

Funny how one of the top U.S. technological achievements to date, the Stealth Destroyer (USS Zumwalt, led by captain James Kirk!), was launched barely a month after the launch of the “Obamacare website”, Healthcare.gov, which had one of the worst website launches ever (especially when considering the buzz that was made before its launch and what’s at stake). A month after its launch, the website still suffers from major glitches.