Rain Rain Go Away

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain rain, come here, hey!
Forest’s burning night and day.
It smells like an old ashtray.
Rain rain, can’t you stay?

Rain rain, please just stay!
Animals are dead, oy vey!
Soot-black trees, death and decay.
Rain rain, won’t you stay?

Rain rain, don’t you stay!
It’s too late now anyway.
Rain rain, go away.


When you spend your afternoons with your two-year-old watching countless nursery rhyme videos on YouTube, and then your evenings following the latest on the Australian wildfires, you just have to make this connection.

If you want to donate and support the fight against the Australian bushfires or assist the victims, actor Chris Hemsworth has put up a page with links to various organizations you can donate to.

More environmental comics: here’s a comic about keeping our Earth green, and here’s one about human nature.

And here’s some more dark humor.


It’s raining outside? Stay indoors and read more comics on Instagram and Twitter.

Let’s Make Earth Green Again

Trump Let's Make Earth Green Again - by C-Section Comics

Make Earth Green Again / by C-Section Comics

“We’ll make the world green again!”
our president had said.
“We do it for our children,
it’s THEIR future that we dread.”
Green goo flooded the rivers
and flowed quickly to the sea.
“Nailed it” said the president
and cackled with much glee.
We love our dearest president
because he really strives
to make sure green’s the color
that will dominate our lives.
Green pollution and green smoke
come from our industry,
since green’s the color of our precious
dollar almighty.



Here’s another comic about nature and pollution,
and Donald Trump / Petäys Resort – an optical illusion.

Human Nature

Human Nature - by C-Section Comics

Environmental issues – it’s one of those topics that is on everyone’s mind – everyone agrees it’s important, but nobody’s willing to sacrifice anything in order to make things better.

Here’s a glimpse at what’s pollution like in China these days, and how it could look for us in the future, in case we continue not doing anything about it. The way humans work, we’ll probably have to reach rock bottom before doing anything significant to improve our environment.

Here’s another comic about the choices we make, and here are some comics about smoking.