Throw a Penny to the Wishing Well

Wishing Well - by C-Section Comics

Throw a Penny to the Wishing Well / by C-Section Comics

My wife said I should throw a penny
to the wishing well.
Reluctantly I threw a penny.
Quickly down it fell.

I didn’t have just one small wish
I actually had many.
My greatest wish was that I hadn’t
thrown away that penny.

Why throw away a penny?
I think it’s rather foolish.
Maybe ’cause I work so hard, or
maybe ’cause I’m Jewish.

I think that being cheap is quite
a beneficial force.
My wife thinks rather differently
and hence comes our divorce(*).


(*) I am only kidding, I’m still married to my wife.
She and money are in fact the best parts of my life.


“Money isn’t all in life”, a phrase which I find funny,
in light of many awful things that people do for to money.