Throw a Penny to the Wishing Well

Wishing Well - by C-Section Comics

Throw a Penny to the Wishing Well / by C-Section Comics

My wife said I should throw a penny
to the wishing well.
Reluctantly I threw a penny.
Quickly down it fell.

I didn’t have just one small wish
I actually had many.
My greatest wish was that I hadn’t
thrown away that penny.

Why throw away a penny?
I think it’s rather foolish.
Maybe ’cause I work so hard, or
maybe ’cause I’m Jewish.

I think that being cheap is quite
a beneficial force.
My wife thinks rather differently
and hence comes our divorce(*).


(*) I am only kidding, I’m still married to my wife.
She and money are in fact the best parts of my life.


“Money isn’t all in life”, a phrase which I find funny,
in light of many awful things that people do for to money.

Indecent Proposal

For you kids who haven’t heard about this old movie

Indecent proposal was one of those films that have huge success in the box offices but everyone says they’re terrible.

Resource Allocation

The only thing unrealistic about this cartoon is that he’s looking at her eyes when saying it.