
Space Garbage - C-Section Comics

Jeff would not clean his own junk.
Won’t clean his room, sit like a punk,
play video games like all day long.
Won’t clean his crib, sit tight and strong
on his old couch, just drink his beer.
And so when it became quite clear
that there’s too much space-junk in space,
a danger to the human race,
they called him to the President.
But he sure had no real intent
to do shit. There was no real hope.
Jeff said it clearly: No ma’am, nope!


Drawing this comic made me recall this quote by U.S Admiral (ret.) William H. McRaven:

“If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed”


Here’s another comic featuring NASA.


Follow my garbage comics on Instagram and Twitter.
You can also subscribe to the new YouTube channel here.

The Best Method to Handle Tasks

Tasks Dodging - by C-Section Comics

Life keeps firing tasks at me
in an endless shooting spree.
I dodge them quite elegantly,
leaving them for future me.

“Procrastinator” they call me.
Sorry, but I don’t agree.
I just like to use my phone,
why can’t life just let me be?

That’s my routine – I dodge and duck,
make sure that I am never struck.
The tasks will not stop when I die,
they’ll just hit some other schmuck.


Here’s another comic about procrastination.
And here’s another comic featuring “Life”.


Looking for an excellent way to procrastinate? Follow my comics on Instagram and Twitter.
You can also subscribe to the new YouTube channel here.


Cinderella - Procrastination Comics

You look for that special gal:
“Cinderella”, that’s right pal?
Glass slipper, a perfect fit,
to love her you shall now commit.

The Internet’s your real love, friend,
even though it’s a dead end.
She is a real cruel mistress.
She will turn you to a mess.

Don’t go buddy, stop, please wait –
say, do you procrastinate?
Are you distracted by the Net?
Of course you are, you’re here, right mate?

Don’t you fight it, it’s your fate
Look, another fun click bait
that will make you awfully late
to whatever’s out there, mate.


Here’s another comic about the wonderful sides of the Internet.
Follow me on Instagram for more comics.