Secret Ingredient

Secret Ingredient for Cola - C-Section Comics

The secret ingredient for cola
is sugar.
The secret ingredient for fun
is sugar.
Energy? Sugar.
Happiness? Sugar.
Delicious, nutritious – it’s why I love sugar.

The secret ingredient for death
is sugar.
The secret ingredient for pain
is sugar.
Cavities? Sugar.
Diabetes? Sugar.
Addictive, destructive – it’s why I hate sugar.

Everything good in the world – is sugar
Everything bad in the world – is sugar.
This is babe the reason why
you are my love, and I call you “Sugar”.


Are you dieting? Avoiding carbs and foods which are high in sugar? Check out this comic about low carb diets .


For more sweet comics follow me on Instagram and Twitter.

Thinking About a Low Carb Diet?

Low Carb Diet - by C-Section Comics

Thinking ’bout a low carb diet?
Bear in mind that it’s no fun.
It relies on self control
and chances are that you have none.

Thinking ’bout a low carb diet?
Bear in mind that mister stress
will shove those candies down your throat
and you’ll end up being a mess.

Thinking ’bout a low carb diet?
Bear in mind that you will weep
when your friends eat tasty pastries
while you eat dry grass like sheep.

Thinking ’bout a low carb diet?
GOOD FOR YOU! You’ll look aesthetic,
you will live long and you’ll prosper
while your friends go diabetic.


Here’s another comic about dieting, and another one about stress.