They’re Just like Us

Just Like Us / by C-Section Comics

Robots will replace us all,
I think it’s pretty clear.
They are stronger, smarter, better,
and way more sincere.

They don’t need no food or sleep,
no paid leave or lunch breaks.
They don’t need no smoking zones,
they have what it takes
to make us obsolete one day
and to take our place.
(The truth is hard to hear but I’ll still
shove it in your face.)

Why are we not stopping this?
Because we’re humans, really.
We don’t think that far ahead,
hey, “carpe diem”, silly!

So robots will replace us
and they’ll either kill us all,
or put us in a human zoo
(I think it’s called a “mall”).


They’re just like us, but they have their limits – here’s one, in this comic about robots and AI.

Iron Man Met a Fan

Iron Man met a fan - by C-Section Comics

Iron Man met a Fan / C-Section Comics

Iron Man met a fan,
dirty blonde and slightly tanned.
Towards him she quickly ran.
He thought a selfie was her plan,
but she had quite a different plan:
She plugged her charger to the man,
since out of battery she ran.
This act unsettled Iron Man,
and so he shouted at the fan:
“Use a power saving plan!
And if you stick that little charger
in my body once again,
mark my words you little bugger,
they’ll find your body in a van.”



Want more superhero stuff?
Here is Spidey acting tough,
and Superman who had enough.
There are more comics, it ain’t no bluff.

The Evolution of American Technology

Funny how one of the top U.S. technological achievements to date, the Stealth Destroyer (USS Zumwalt, led by captain James Kirk!), was launched barely a month after the launch of the “Obamacare website”,, which had one of the worst website launches ever (especially when considering the buzz that was made before its launch and what’s at stake). A month after its launch, the website still suffers from major glitches.