Since our lives is basically one big dick measuring contest, it only makes sense that this was the first thing on first Man’s mind.
Just for fun, I made an alternative bonus panel, to demonstrate how adding one additional detail can change the entire meaning of a comic. You can find it here.
“In the Image of God”
Let’s get back to the scriptures. According to the Bible, Man was created in God’s own image:
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Genesis 1:27)
I always wondered what does the term “in God’s own image” mean. Is the bible trying to suggest that God actually has arms and legs and kidneys like us, or are we similar to God only in spirit, behavior and our way of thinking? And if we’re similar in spirit to God, does this mean God is also competitive like us?
“Thou Shalt Not Compare”
Many people prefer the literal interpretation – “we look like God”. And this usually brings out the next question – what does God actually look like. Is God male or female? Is God white? black? Chinese? These kinds of debate are fairly common, and you can find them even in popular culture: For example, in the movie “Bruce Almighty”, God is portrayed by actor Morgan Freeman, an African American actor, who wasn’t picked for the role just because of his remarkable acting skills. And in the Broadway Musical “Avenue Queue”, Kate Monster argues with Gary Coleman on whether Jesus was black or white, until they are both reminded that Jesus was… Jewish.
I find the debate itself amusing, since its whole purpose is to prove one group’s of people superiority, due to the fact that “they look more like god”. Seriously? If God is white, does it mean that white people are better than black people? We’re back at the same point we’ve started at – man’s irresistable urge to compare himself to others – the endless dick measuring contest.
In the mood for some related comic? Here’s another comic about the long lasting debate between science and religion regarding what did first man look like.
And here’s a comic about how the serpent tempted Eve.