Eighties Action Movie

Eighties Action Movie

Action movie, eighties style:
muscles, shootings, toothless smile.
Lots of catchphrases to quote,
pushing violence down your throat.
Wicked villains, spiky hair,
German accents everywhere.
M16s on fully-auto,
“Kill or die”, that is the motto.
Helicopters, jungle, bomb,
“This is just like Vietnam…”
Hero killing dozens while
he remains unhurt, such style.
Female sidekick, hot as hell,
he will fall under her spell.
Happy ending, music track,
next year’s sequel – “I’ll be back!”


Some loose inspirations for the characters drawn in this comic:
For the villain – Hans from Die Hard (German accent!)
For the cop – Schwarzenegger in Terminator/Commando/Red Heat (German accent!), Bruce Willis as John McClane in Die Hard.
(And basically any action movie I watched as a kid).


Here’s another comic about “Terminator”.
And another movie satire (Wizard of Oz).
And another comic about using accents in movies.


There’s plenty of action going on in my Instagram and Twitter accounts.

British Accents

Don’t you know your history?
Let’s solve a big mystery:
Romans? They had British accents.
Ancient Greeks? British accents.
Pharaoh’s Egypt? British accents.
Let’s all cheer for British accents!
Hollywood makes actors speak
this way so they’d sound antique.

This is almost an addiction,
also works in fantasy fiction:
Game of Thrones? British accents.
Hobbits? Elves? British accents.
(Only Dwarves have Scottish accents,
sharp and deadly like their axes)

This is quite a famous trope
“Queen’s Latin” the name’s , and nope,
it’s not likely to fade soon.

So, did you like the cartoon?


If it pleases m’lady or m’lord, thou can followeth my comics on Instagram and Twitter.


Fancy some more comics, do you?
Here’s an old one about Meme Stars Game of Thrones characters.

Speaking about Scottish accents, there’s this one about types of English.