
Populism - political cartoon

Politics is really hard, like steel and stone and wood.
The wiser politicians therefore know they really should
avoid talking ’bout the controversial topics, so,
they talk about the things we all agree upon, dear bro.

– “Poverty is not so good, crime is really bad.
 Life is very happy. Also, death is very sad.”
– “What about abortions? Are you pro-life or pro-choice?”
– “Sorry kid *cough cough* I think I’m losing my own voice”.

– “Why are you avoiding talking ’bout important stuff?
 Gun control, abortions, shootings?”
– “Kid, I’ve had enough!
 I work really hard to get elected so please stop!
 I lead in the polls and I’ll say shit to stay on top!”


Here’s another silly political cartoon.
And here’s an oldie about abortions.


Lots of relatable and agreeable cartoons packed with populism await you on Instagram and Twitter.