Dwight Schrute Caricature (The Office)

Dwight Schrute Caricature

I’m binging the Office (again) to help me take my mind off the Coronavirus(*). One of the reasons I love that show so much is that so many characters there are truly original, you just never saw these kind of characters before. Dwight Schrute, brilliantly portrayed by Rainn Wilson, is certainly one of the most original, refreshing, and amusing characters that will enter (or probably already entered) TV’s hall of fame.

(*) Ironically, Dwight Schrute would probably have loved the plague. Quoting him: “There’s too many people on this Earth. We need a new plague.”

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Did you know I also draw personal caricatures?

Previous caricatures I’ve drawn:

Dress for the Job You Want, Not the Job You Have

Dress for the job you want - by C-Section Comics

“Don’t dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want”,
Johnson’s boss told him, a great advice from a savant.
Johnson quickly dressed-up as a hand, because you see,
that’s the kind of job he wanted – right-hand man he’ll be.
Johnson’s boss did misinterpret Johnson’s real intent,
“Come into my office, son”, he said, sounding content.
Hoping for a big promotion, Johnson closed the door,
instead he got a hand-job! This ain’t what he signed-up for!
Johnson told his colleague all about this strange mix-up.
And the colleague dressed-up as a foot. Yes sir, oh yup.
You may think it’s strange. Me? I think it’s no surprise,
’cause one’s horrific mishap is another’s greatest prize.


Here’s another comic about a ruthless manager.
And here’s some more office humor.


Follow the comics you want, not the comics you have, on Instagram and Twitter.

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