Free Sketch

Free Sketch - by C-Section Comics

I’ll do anything for a free sketch:

Run amok,
Suck a cock,
Call Dwayne Johnson a big schmuck,
then escape before The Rock
kills me (though he’s a mensch),

Fuck a goat,
Slit a throat,
Tell people they should not vote
(Each and every candidate
is just a lousy wretch),

Use bad slang,
Join a gang,
Watch reruns of The Big Bang
Theory (it went downhill,
and now it makes me retch),

Mow a lawn,
Kill a swan,
Buy used shit on Amazon,
Anything but Comic-Con
(You want to hear me kvetch?)


Today I learned: lots of Yiddish words rhyme with “sketch”.

For more comics visit our comic archives, with hundreds of comics dating back to 2010.


Get free sketches and free comics on your feed! Follow me on Instagram and Twitter.

She Said Yes

She Said Yes - by C-Section Comics

She said yes to the abortion,
no emotional extortion:
She said yes of her own will.
Wasn’t pressured, no, but still…

We will live a childless life.
Just us two, husband and wife.
I am happy, so is she!
Can’t you see that she’s happy?

You say what? It’s a disguise?
There is something in her eyes?
Sadness is it? Oh come on,
any doubts are now long gone.

You live in denial friend!
We’re both happy, to the end!
Who needs kids, it’s just us two.
So why the hell should she feel blue?


Here’s another sad comic about someone who chose to be a dad.
And here’s another comic about abortions.


For more sad comics (but mostly lighter comics) follow me on Instagram and Twitter.

That Terminator Is out There

That Terminator is out there

Listen people, listen folks
Terminator was a hoax:
Future robot with a gun –
his accent? Oh, it’s Austrian.

Terminator’s Austrian?
Meet one who’s Italian:
“It’s-a me, it’s Mario.
I just want to kill things, bro.

Koopa Troopas, Goombas – ding –
Mario kills everything!
Terminate them, no remorse,
using deadly brutal force.

Saving Peach? Shit I don’t care.
I just want to kill, I swear!
(And for that I’ve got a knack).
Ciao Amigo, I’ll-a be back.”


Here’s the original – Kyle Reese giving Sarah Connor his “That Terminator is out there” speech:


More video-game comics? Here’s one about Angry birds (they’re still a thing, right?)


More killer stuff on Instagram and Twitter.

You’ll-a be back.

Anti Waxer

Anti-Waxer - C-Section Comics

Anti vaxxer, anti waxer
which is stranger, can you answer?
One won’t vaccinate her child
the other lets her pubes grow wild.
Freedom people, hey, rejoice –
It’s a matter of self choice.
Though they’re not the same, oh no.
One’s purely aesthetic, bro.
the other can make millions die,
can you guess which one and why?


(Fun fact: I spent half an hour of my life contemplating on whether it should be “Anti Waxer” or “Anti Waxxer”.)

Here’s an oldie I drew in 2013 – how we react to vaccines. Even when I drew that one, I never believed that I’ll live to see outbreaks of measles, and so close to home, literally.


More crazy shit on Instagram and Twitter

Nutrition Research

Nutrition Research - by C-Section Comics

Gather ’round and hear me, buddies,
talk about nutrition studies.
How come one day they all say
“Red wine’s good for you”, but hey,
next day they’ll say: “Don’t drink, quit,
red wine’s bad!” It’s strange, ain’t it?

It is not intentional,
they’re mostly observational,
which means their truthfulness relies
on people never telling lies.
Subjects fill in some reports
on eating, drinking and all sorts
of things which they are asked about.
This is where I have a doubt:
People often lie (don’t we?)
or report mistakenly
’bout things that they all drank or ate.
Scientist – don’t bite this bait!

Therefore we should all take heed,
be wary of the things we read
in such researches, mainly when
they’re quoted on BuzzFeed. Amen!


Here’s some interesting reading on that topic:

From Harvard Medical School’s blog – “Is red wine actually good for your heart”

The French Paradox refers to the notion that drinking wine may explain the relatively low rates of heart disease among the French, despite their fondness for cheese and other rich, fatty foods.
…However, the evidence that drinking red wine in particular (or alcohol in general…) can help you avoid heart disease is pretty weak… All of the research showing that people who drink moderate amounts of alcohol have lower rates of heart disease is observational. Such studies can’t prove cause and effect, only associations.

From VOX.COM – “I asked 8 researchers why the science of nutrition is so messy. Here’s what they said.”

Many observational studies — and other nutritional research — rely on surveys. After all, the scientists can’t hover over every single person and watch what they eat for decades. So they have subjects report on their diets.

This poses an obvious challenge. Do you remember what you ate for lunch yesterday? Did you sprinkle nuts or dressing on your salad? Did you snack afterward? Exactly how many potato chips did you eat?

Chances are you probably can’t answer these questions with any certainty. And yet, a lot of nutrition research today rests on just that kind of information: people’s self-reporting from memory of what they ate.


Here’s another comic about flawed methods in some scientific studies.

More comics on Instagram and Twitter